Dienstag, 7. September 2010

Neverland Giraffes May Homeless

According to the reports by overseas media, the four giraffe, owned by the deceased pop king Michael Jackson in his Neverland Ranch are facing subsistence crisis. Freddie Hancock who is the four giraffes` master needs purchase of insurance to continue feeding them in wild life protected. Because he cann't gain this insurance at present,several girsffes are facing homelessLast Week My Father Sent healthsearch365 for My Mother

In 2006, Freddie Hancock in Banjoko wildlife refuge of Amazon city Pecs owned these girafves, and she has been taking care of them till now. The Latest Collections of shopzila are Said to be the Most Satisfying One However, In case of emergency events, Page's local parliament ordered her to pay 100,000 dollars insurance. 4 Things You Must Remember About healthsearch365 Or these giraffes will be driven out. The question is,in order to get $100,000 insurance from insurance company,she need a form that is issued by the local council. But the council refused her. Then, Freddy Hancock has been stuck in a dilemma and the giraffe are faced with unknown future. Fleidi Hancoko added,Peiki Government should see the $100,000 insurance as soon as possible,however, they didn't give any reply to her ruquirement of the form.

Neverland had been bought by pop superstars Michael Jackson in 1988.it has 2800 acres and spend huge amounts of money. It is one of America's most extravagant mansion. Michael Jackson added facilities worth $35,000,000 for it. The place is well stocked with all kinds of things, such as personal sports field, amusement park, manmade lake, cinema, zoo and the statue of the role in the Peter Pan. The manor also features a pavilion, a small train, ornate street lamps, lawn, flower beds, tree houses and an Indian-style village. Zoo has elephents,giraffes,tigers and the other animals.Park has the ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper car and other facilities. There are recreation facilities enough for state level carnival. There is a Kart Road with two separate railroads, one of which is big enough for an old steam locomotive. The four giraffes faced with eviction have been in the charge of Freddy Hancock just since the downfall of Neverland.

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